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We partner with startups and organizations to deliver interactive workshops for audiences

Topics include:

Posture for Building Leadership Skills
Rethinking Your Work Posture for Enhancing Productivity
From Burnout to Balance
Mindfulness in Workplace
Breathe Productivity Into Your Day
Sitting Is the New Smoking
Unhunched Presentation Skills for Leaders
Nutrition At Work

If there is a specific outcome you are looking to achieve, we tailor all presentations to your needs

Wellness Workshops And Speaker Aesha Tahir

Meet Aesha

Voted one of the most Inspiring Entrepreneur and Wellness Executives to watch by San Diego Voyager, Aesha Tahir is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and columnist.  Aesha delivers high-energy presentations that challenge audiences to leverage their focus to what matters most at work and in life, their health. Audiences love the practical strategies she shares. She helps the organizations create a culture of wellness by implementing health programs that put organizations’ biggest asset, the employees first.

Aesha earned her Master in Exercise Science from Concordia University. She is a distinguished Toastmasters, a designation held by less than 1% of professional speakers. She engages groups from the moment she steps in front of them and leaves them with empowering tools that they can use for the rest of their lives. She has presented workshops and spoken at organizations such as Salesforce, Coffman Engineers, Pyramid Club, Voyager Media Group, National Libraries, 92NY, and Coaching4Leaders to name a few

What Other Workshop Participants Had to Say

Impactful presentations that provide opportunities for building skills

The Details & Benefits

Talks can be between 45 minutes to 4 hours

Participants practice skills virtually and in groups

Increased motivation, clarity, and reduced stress

Improved Employee Well-being

Reduced Absenteeism

Positive Company Culture

Enhanced Team Dynamics

Increased Productivity

Boost your Company's Bottom Line

Aesha Has Spoken At

Aesha Tahir Wellness Workshop And Sepaker At Salesforce