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Member Spotlight – Marie Zajdowicz

Each morning when I wake up, I wake up inspired just thinking about my clients and members of the Tone and Strengthen family. I love what I do. I get to change people’s lives and set them on a healthy path. All the while working with some of the best people I have known. These members of my fitness classes always put a smile on my face. I am grateful that I could continue teaching the classes virtually when the pandemic hit. I couldn’t bear the thought of not spending time with these beautiful people. The clients who log on to my virtual classes and personal training make me excited to be there to teach the lesson or lead the training session in front of the camera. My clients pump me up for my work. My clients are a constant reminder of why I’m passionate about my mission to move people towards a healthier version of themselves.  

Today I am going to throw the spotlight on our long-term family member Marie Zajdowicz. She is originally from Maryland and moved to Richboro 18 years ago. She is a physician that works, teaches, and has a leadership role at a Philadelphia children’s hospital. She is motivated to grow daily:  intellectually, spiritually, creatively, and athletically. 

Give us a background of your wellness journey? How did you get started? What inspired you? 

In college, I took a number of studio dance courses that inspired me to continue to go to the studio in med school and exercise regularly as I transitioned through residency and my early career. After moving to Richboro, my neighbor and I started signing up for various exercise classes at the rec center. It’s important to have someone else keep you accountable to show up to work out. My family and I have spent a lot of vacations hiking and biking at our beautiful National Parks. We belonged to the Richboro Swim Club for years then built our pool so I can swim most days in the summer. 

What are your current fitness and wellness goals? 

Being on the “dark side” of fifty, I am more concerned about being fit rather than thin. I want my heart and bones to be in the best condition they can as I age.

What challenges do you face in keeping up with your fitness goals?

 My biggest challenge is my irregular schedule of evening and weekend shifts. I have to make an “appointment” with myself to work out. That’s why I attend classes that have a regular schedule and train with Coach Aesha. Once it’s on my calendar, I treat it as important as a work meeting.

How did you find Coach Aesha and started working with her? 

Coach Aesha was my Barre instructor. When I fractured my foot last year and looked at eight weeks in a boot, I knew I couldn’t afford to go that long without exercising. I asked Aesha to train me. Each week she created a different workout that allowed me to keep up my fitness goals despite my disability.

Tell us about your experience of working with Coach Aesha? 

Coach Aesha meets me “where I am” in my fitness journey. She is never judgmental, rather always encourages me to try. She gently corrects my form if necessary and encourages me to go outside my comfort zone.

How has Coach Aesha’s training helped you with your fitness journey?

I honestly haven’t felt so strong in years, both mentally and physically. I don’t have the hip pain or overuse pain that plagued me the last two years. I am nimble. My six-year-old great nephew was super impressed with “the tricks” I could do on the trampoline last week and was trying to imitate me. That’s the best compliment.

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