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How to Start your Day on a Positive Note

Some of us wake up bright and early, ready to conquer the day, but sometimes you just want to hit that snooze button, call into work, and binge on that Netflix show you’ve been obsessed with. Maybe the first thing you do is grab your smartphone, read your mail, text, or read the news. This may sound like a great day off but is it good for your physical and mental health?

Let’s face it; mornings can make or break your day. It sets the tone for the rest of your day. Starting the day on the right note will keep you energized and make you productive. If you are always rushing in the mornings and when you get to work you are already exhausted, it’s a great idea to reconsider your morning routine. Regardless of the challenges and responsibilities you have, successful people choose to start their day on a positive note. It changes the tone of the entire day. You can be ready to face whatever the day brings at you with a healthy morning routine. Check out these ten ideas to help you get up and start your day right!


Wake-up Earlier- It is scientifically proven to help your brain prepare for the day peacefully rather than waiting until the last minute to run out the door. This allows you to not only relax before a busy day but even get ahead on tasks for the day.

Avoid Social Media- We all do it, whether it’s checking Twitter, scrolling on Instagram, or watching YouTube videos, trying reading or waiting until the afternoon to check social media. According to an article written by Jari Roomer, the impacts that social media can have on one’s brain while waking up can affect one’s perception, motivation, and even self-esteem.

Meditate + Stretch- Find a few moments of silence to empty your mind in the mornings. Practice deep breathing. End your mediation by offering thanks for all the blessings around you. Meditation and practicing gratitude instill feelings of contentment, calm, and relaxation. Studies show that people who practice offering gratitude are more optimistic and happier. Wake up your body in the mornings too! By taking 10-30 minutes a day to do some simple stretches by a sunny window, or maybe some yoga on the patio, you will feel amazing. Trust me it works. Make sure to check out our website for FREE workouts and discounts for cult-fave wellness tips.

Write down your goals for the day- Setting short-term goals is just as important as setting long-term goals! It could be something small such as no TV right before bed and instead of reading a few chapters of your new favorite mystery book that’s been sitting on your shelf for months.

This will make you feel accomplished, making you want to keep completing small tasks; then, before you know it, you will not only feel great but do great things.

Hydrate- If you are anything like me, you love coffee and may tend to drink too much of it sometimes-especially if your schedule is jam-packed. Drinking a big glass of water before your coffee and bringing a cute bottle or tumbler to work will ensure that you are staying healthy while still enjoying that perfect cup of coffee.

Eat a Nutritious Breakfast- One benefit of getting up early is to have time to make some eggs with a nice side of fruit! Nothing is worse than staring at the clock waiting for lunch. According to nutritionists, breakfast should be eaten within two hours of waking. In the morning, going without food for many hours, the body’s glycogen stores are low. Once all of the energy from the glycogen stores burned, the body starts to break down fatty acids to produce the energy it needs. It seems like a good thing, right! Well, nope, it isn’t. Without carbohydrates (glucose) in your body, fatty acids are only partially oxidized, which reduces your energy levels. Eating breakfast boosts the energy levels to rev up the metabolism for the day.

Give Yourself “ME” Time- Whether it’s writing in a journal, meditating, putting on your makeup, and picking out a cute outfit giving yourself time to do what makes you happy will guarantee an optimistic mindset for the rest of the day!

Take a Walk- Getting up and getting some fresh air is a great way to wake up and get that heart pumping if walking is not your jam, look into other activities such as riding a bike. If you are like me- then get a run-in. As long as you are moving in nature, you reap many positive benefits, and it doesn’t matter what your medium of movement is.

Snuggle with Your Pet- Every day before going to work, make sure your pups get some love too! When you cuddle with your pet, it stimulates the production of Oxytocin, the love hormone, in both of you. Oxytocin also inhibits cortisol production- yes, the stress hormone which can make you gain weight. Plus, playing with a pet boosts serotonin, and who doesn’t love snuggles?!

Have a Positive Mindset- This may be the hardest on the list to fully accomplish, but there is no turning back once you do it. Remember, in your mind; you can cultivate positive thoughts. Thoughts that you focus on grow and get stronger. Wake up and tell yourself an affirmation like “today will be a great day” or something such as “I am grateful for everything in my life.” Telling yourself these words will ensure that you are starting your day on a positive note.

Morning routine might seem like a small change, but it significantly impacts the rest of your day. I have run out the door gazillions of times in a rush, and things just go wrong throughout my day?! It still happens sometimes. Waking up early and getting my day started on a positive note with the above-mentioned healthy habits gets me out the door on time for a smooth and hassle-free day.

Being a morning person isn’t easy for everyone. Still, a positive mindset, routine, and motivation not only guarantee to start your day on a positive note but having a positive mind as well. So, I say it’s worth a TRY!

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