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Trail Running 0 (0)

Trails are quiet and serene. If you ask a trail lover like me, trails are a slice of heaven with unspoiled habitat. I love the soft terrain, natural beauty, and stunning views. I have learned that switching to trails from…

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Base Building For Runners

A Strong Foundation for Runners 0 (0)

If you are an endurance athlete, I'm sure you have heard, "I'm building my base" or "base is the place" or "I'm in my base building phase". Let's see what all this hype about base training is?  Base training, in…

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Why Work with a Fitness Coach? 0 (0)

Starting on the fitness journey can be intimidating. After a long day of work, it’s tempting to chill out on the couch. You lack the motivation to act. If you have a specific goal in mind, like competing in an…

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3 Rs of Endurance Training 0 (0)

Recovery was the one word that I always thought was unnecessary in the athletic dictionary. Yes! My slogan was to work out as hard as possible for many years. To me, "workout" meant working and no rest. I would brush…

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Tips for Marathon Recovery 0 (0)

The marathon races are coming back. It’s great to see runners in full action. Everyday race posts are popping up on my IG and FB, and I love them.  Competing in a marathon is a significant accomplishment. It is hard…

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Holistic Approach to Running 0 (0)

You are a new runner or a seasoned runner; you know that running is a progressive sport. As a runner, it's super exciting to see your running progress and growth. Runners make many mistakes, such as adding too much volume…

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10 + 1 Tips for Successful Race Day 0 (0)

Fall season is for running races. Race days are always stressful. You have focused on training for the last four months and tried to perfect everything from your pre-run meal to your running shoes. So, when the race day arrives it’s…

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The WHY and HOW of Running for Kids 0 (0)

Running is an activity that our bodies were naturally built to do. If you've ever watched children running after their friends or a ball in the backyard, you know they don't just run--they fly. Yes! Kids are natural sprinters. Children…

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